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日期: 2018/2/1 15:41:57 访问: 4118

    The 29th International Conference and Fair for Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation (MICONEX 2018) will be held on October 24-27, 2018 in China National  Convention Center (CNCC)in beijing by China Instrument and Control Society. Good tools are prerequisite to successful execution of a job. The instrumentation is the "multiplier" of industrial production, "pioneer" of the scientific research, the "combat effectiveness" in military and "materialized judge" in social life, and plays a skillfully and indispensable key role in the modern economic and social development. With the rapid development of technology, products, research and development, production and application related to the instrumentation, we are honored to provide the platform for demonstration and exchange for national and international instrumentation community. 
    MICONEX 展览会从1983年开始举办,2018年恰逢35周年。35年来MICONEX已成功举办了28届,参加展会活动的累计共有超过40个国家和地区的上千家企业,包括20万名科技工作者在内的70万余人次的专业观众。“MICONEX”为国内外测量控制与仪器仪表界搭建了一个长期、稳定的交流大平台。特别是近年来Miconex为创新驱动助力“中国制造2025”国家战略规划的推进与实践,振兴与提升中国装备制造水平做出了重要贡献。因此,受到党和国家领导人的高度重视,或曾亲自剪彩、参观、题词,或曾作过重要批示。美国、英国、日本等国家首脑和联合国有关组织政要也曾发过贺信支持展会。
    Since MICONEX Exhibition was held in 1983, it has been its 35th Anniversary by 2018. For 35 years, 28 sessions of MICONEX Exhibition have been successfully held, over a thousand enterprises from more than 40 countries and regions have participated in the exhibition activities, and over 700,000 (person/times) professional visitors involving 200 thousand scientific and technical workers have visited the previous shows. "MICONEX" build up a long-term and stable communication platform for domestic and foreign measurement, instrumentation and automation community. Especially, Miconex has been engaged in advancing and practicing the national strategical plan of "Made in China by 2025" for recent years,with contribution to invigoration and improvement of China’s manufacturing level. Therefore, the Party and State leaders highly value it, either cut a ribbon at the ceremony, or visit and write an inscription or give vital instructions. The leaders of the United States, UK and Japan, and the officials of the United Nations also sent congratulatory messages to support the exhibition. 

    For Intelligent Manufacturing by a Solid Industrial Base; 
    Persist in Original Purpose and Keep on Going Forword! 
    ----The largest International Fair for Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation in Asia 
    “The Miconex” was initially held in Shanghai in 1983 by China Instrument and Control Society. Over the past 30 years, under the support of Chinese government, Chinese and foreign enterprises and all sectors of the community, Miconex Exhibition has been steadily developing. Nowadays, the scale and level of Miconex Exhibition has been rank the first in Asia amongst the instrumentation exhibitions over a long period of time, becoming a renowned and well-known brand showcase in the field of measurement, instrumentation and automation in the world and winning the welcome and praise from the industry at home and abroad. 
    MICONEX has always been famous for numerous participating companies and a large number of visitors, therefore, it is the important industry event that purchasers, end users, R&D engineers and technical managers shouldn't miss. As the wind vane of China’s measurement & control, instrument and automation industry, the MICONEX has become a window of the whole industry to look into the business developing trend and the whole market fluctuation. Meanwhile, MICONEX relies on the position of authority and rich resources of China Instrument and Control Society, and many sessions of academic conference, technical seminars, new products releases and technical forums will be held during the exhibition. 
    At the 35th Anniversary, as the major sponsor, China Instrument and Control Society will implement the spirit of the "19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China", persist in its original purpose and keep on going forward! The society will take "Intelligent Manufacturing" and "Solid Industrial Base" as the main direction and revitalize China's instrumentation technology and industry development as its mission, to promote innovation-driven development, improve service level, expand domestic and international propaganda and enrich the exhibition activities at the same period. The exhibition organizer will host more than 20 high-level academic conferences (including Summit Forums) during the exhibition period, and the topics related to: Intelligent Manufacturing, Industrial Automation (process and discrete); the issues are related to Manufacturing Strategy Transformation, Information Security, Industrial Internet of Things, Smart City, Wisdom Medical Care,Nuclear Power Instrument & Control, and Scientific Instrument Serving the People's Livelihood. In addition, many Supply & Demand meetings, News Releases, Targeted Interviews, Talented People Connection and Industry Photography Exhibition, etc. will be held during the show. 

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